Grafton Grove Fire Risk Assessment

Saracen Health Safety & Hygiene 3

Statutory Duty

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, replaces a large majority of previous United

Kingdom legislation appertaining to fire safety. The current requirement is that all workplaces

where more than 1 person is employed is required to undertake a fire risk assessment and in all

premises where there are more than 5 employees, there is a duty to keep formal records of the

risk assessment and control measures.

Requirements of Fire Safety Regulations

The regulations place a personal duty on the employer to provide minimum safety standards of

fire safety for places where people work.

The employer is required to:

Carry out a fire risk assessment of the workplace, this means that you have to assess the

fire risks in the workplace this also means any ‘identifiable ignition sources’, either as part

of a general health and safety review or as a specific exercise.

Consider ‘who is at risk’, this means all employees, occupants of the premises and all other

people who may be affected by a fire including a duty to protect fire service personnel and

to make adequate provision for any disabled people with special needs.

Check that in the event of a small fire, the fire can be structurally contained and prevented

from spreading to neighbouring buildings and the environment surrounding the affected


Check that a fire can be detected in a reasonable time and that people can be warned.

Check that people who may be in the building can get out safely.

Provide reasonable fire-fighting equipment.

Check that people in the building know what to do if there is a fire.

Identify the significant findings of the risk assessment and the details of anyone who might

be at risk.

Check and maintain such fire equipment.

Provide and maintain such fire precautions as are necessary to safeguard those who use

the workplace.

Provide information, instruction and training to all employees about the fire precautions in

the workplace.

Grafton Grove Fire Risk Assessment

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The aim of the risk assessment is to ensure that Grafton Grove is safe in all respects of Fire Hazards

and that the guests will be safe at all times.


A systematic approach will be used to identify the fire hazards within the business of Grafton


All aspects of the business were assessed with the different parts of the building and the different

uses of the premises. A diagram will be provided to demonstrate the different aspects of the


All fire hazards were identified and suitable precautions recommended to reduce the hazards. The

fire risk assessment will decide what physical fire precautions and management arrangements are

necessary to ensure the safety of people on the premises if a fire starts.

A Hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm.

A Risk is the chance of that harm occurring.

There are five steps that were used to assess the risks and these are:

Identify the fire hazards

Identify the people at risk

Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from risk

Record, plan, inform, instruct and train


Grafton Grove Fire Risk Assessment

Saracen Health Safety & Hygiene 5

Grafton Grove Fire Risk Assessment

Grafton Grove is a self catering holiday home attached to a lecture room and a private accommodation

unit. The holiday home is located on a active riding school and farm. There are no employees

in the business apart from the owners Mrs Sue Thomas and her family.

Due to the nature of the business all aspects must be taken into consideration especially the fact

that there are members of the public sleeping on the premises.

From the diagrams (see appendix 1) it is possible to see that the accommodation is located on

two floors, but attached to a further private accommodation.


There is a fully functional kitchen for use by the business, this however contains few fire hazards

and is therefore low risk to the premises. Having assessed the rest of the building it has been possible

to come up with the following fire hazards:

2 Oil tanks situated outside the house.

There is a wood burner located in the living room with full instruction on its use and not

to leave it burning if you are not present.

The boiler and water tanks are situated in cupboards on the landings and are locked.

Towel rails in bathrooms.

Being attached to a further flat always gives the hazard of not knowing their fire hazards.

Candles and fire works are not allowed and if the guests do use them then it is their responsibility

to ensure they are safe and monitored at all times.

The nature of the business ensures that there are numerous sources of ignition of a fire which


The build of the house is modern but there are original features as expected of a barn conversion

of wooden beams and flooring etc.

The soft furnishings throughout the building.

The use of wood furnishings due to the age of the building.

Waste storage and disposal.

Wall and ceiling hangings.

Guest possessions.

There is also the potential of fires being started outside of the building in the stable yard

with the hay and straw.

Due to the fact that the business is open to the general public there is the issue of the fact that

these could include guests of all ages, old and young, and of all abilities, both able and disabled

people. The owners do not advertise as being suitable for disabled guests, however, there is always

the possibility that they could receive disabled guests. There will be sleeping guests who

when woken will be disorientated and slow to respond. There is a strict no-smoking policy within

the accommodation.

The nature of the business leads itself for there not to be any unaccompanied children and young


New guests will not be familiar with the layout of the building and in an emergency will become


Grafton Grove Fire Risk Assessment

Saracen Health Safety & Hygiene 6


Having inspected the premises it has been possible to determine that Grafton Grove is complying

with the statutory duty according to the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The building

has been recently renovated and there has been careful consideration taken in relation to the

RRO, all electrical installation certificates are available (see appendix 2) There are smoke detectors

in all of the rooms, along with fire extinguishers as proved necessary for tackling minor fires.

The following areas are of concern and precautions to be put into place.

Emergency Notices

There is an emergency notice in the reception entrance of the accommodation. This is the

standard emergency procedure from ‘Welcome Cottages’.

Sleeping Accommodation

There is only one route of access to the upstairs sleeping area, this is by a staircase that

exits via the living room.

To ensure that the use of further heating devices are not used any more than necessary

and strict instruction given on their use.

Most rooms have windows that are easily opened, and have been designed with emergency

exits in mind and safe for emergency services access.

Kitchen Area

The kitchen area is a particular hazard due to the nature of the business. The cooking appliances

are powered by electricity.

All the appliances are checked regularly.

General Fire Procedures

There has been a procedure put into place in the case of an emergency, the ‘Welcome Cottages’

procedure. This displays the verbal method of communicating a fire alarm when a

bell is deemed unnecessary.

The servicing and maintenance of the fire alarm and detection system will be carried out

according to the log book and all details recorded and kept for a minimum of 3 years.

There is a Building Floor Plan Risk Folder to be made available for fire brigade use in the

case of an emergency.

Grafton Grove Fire Risk Assessment

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From the assessments of the risks it has been possible to determine the following recommendations

to ensure the safety of the guests.

Install an arrangement for disabled guests. It is understood that guests are made aware of

the practicalities of being immobile and staying in the accommodation. There should be

provision made for sensory impaired guests i.e. deaf or blind. There are visual warning systems

available (flashing lights etc.) It is the guests and employees responsibility to inform

the management about any necessary disabilities.

To put in place Emergency meeting points.

To put in torches for the use of emergency lighting.

To ensure that the guests have limited access to the oil tank in the area of the premises.

To ensure that all tests and maintenance is carried out at regular intervals and the results


To monitor and record any new circumstances, equipment and practices that might constitute

a new fire hazard and to assess the risk. Amendments to be made to this document as


To put signs up over hot equipment, such a hot towel rails.

To ensure all fire exits are clear at all times.

To ensure all electrical equipment is tested regularly and test results recorded.

To ensure that all guests are aware of their responsibility in relation to emergency procedures.

Grafton Grove Fire Risk Assessment

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Appendix 1

Building Diagrams
